From an Exhausted Mom to Pediatric Sleep Consultant

How One Restless Baby Inspired a Mission to Help Families Sleep Better

Hi, I'm Divya, and I transform exhausted parents and wide-awake little ones into well-rested families. But I wasn't always a sleep expert. Far from it!

My Sleepless Beginning

Picture this: It's 3 AM. I'm rocking with my daughter, Amirah, singing every lullaby I know. My eyes are heavy, but Amirah? She's treating the ceiling fan like it's the most fascinating show on Earth.

Sound familiar? I was right there with you, wondering if I'd ever sleep through the night again.

My Quest for Sleep

Desperate for rest (and a tea that wasn't cold by the time I got to drink it), I dove head first into sleep research. But the advice out there was confusing, conflicting and just too much for my tired brain and cranky mood. Strict schedules? Letting babies cry? It felt like I needed a Ph.D. just to understand it all to be honest.

The Light Bulb Moment

Then it hit me: every child is unique, with their own sleep puzzle to solve. Amirah wasn't trying to torture me – she just needed a tailored, more personal approach to sleep.

Cracking the Sleep Code

I became a sleep detective, piecing together Amirah's sleep needs. I reached out to a sleep consultant that came highly recommended. With science-backed strategies and a personalized plan, our nights literally transformed from night 1. Bedtime became a warm, cozy ritual. Nap time turned into a peaceful break. And mornings? Well, let's just say I rediscovered the joy of hot tea and was not banging into doors and walls.

From Personal Victory to Professional Mission

My experience with Amirah sparked a passion. I realized I could help other families find their way to restful nights just the way this consultant (sent from heaven) did for me. So, I dove into professional training, becoming a Sleep Sense Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant.

My Approach: Tailored Sleep Solutions for Your Family

Now, I work with families to create customized sleep plans that respect their parenting style and their child's unique needs. No one-size-fits-all advice here – just practical, gentle strategies that work.

What Sets Me Apart

  • Personalized plans for children aged 0-5

  • Culturally sensitive approach (I speak English, Hindi, and Urdu!)

  • Support for working parents juggling careers and sleep challenges

  • Gentle methods that maintain strong parent-child bonds

P.S. I'm a real person, not some kind of sleep fairy in disguise (though wouldn't that be cool?).

Ready for Better Sleep?

If you're tired of being tired, I'm here to help.

Let's chat about how we can make bedtime better in your home. Sweet dreams are just an assessment away!