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Healthy Sleep Habits for Newborns

Newborns may not be able to tell you what they need! So, I have got some foolproof ways to ensure your little one gets all the sleep they need. From establishing healthy sleep habits to reliable routines to creating a cozy sleep environment, I'll help you make sure your baby is well-rested and ready to take on the world.

Understand the importance of sleep.

Sleep is like fuel for your baby's growth and development. It's not just about getting some shut-eye, it's about giving their brain a boost. Think better learning, memory and even mood! And that's not all, sleep also does wonders for their physical development. 

It helps regulate body temperature, heart rate and blood pressure. Plus, it boosts their immune system so they can fight off all those nasty bugs. And guess what? It's not just for the little ones. Proper sleep means parents can bond with their newborns and catch some sleep themselves. It's a win-win for everyone!

What are the healthy sleeping habits for newborns?

It’s all about short bursts!

Newborn sleep is a world of its own! They typically sleep around 16-18 hours a day, but don't expect long, uninterrupted stretches. Instead, think of their sleep as a series of short naps throughout the day and night.

Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • Frequent feedings: Newborns need to eat every 2-3 hours, so their sleep is often interrupted for feedings.

  • Day and night confusion: In the beginning, your baby won't differentiate between day and night. This means they might sleep just as much during the day as at night.

  • Short sleep cycles: Their sleep cycles are very short, often waking up after just 45 minutes to an hour.

Don't stress about establishing a strict routine yet. Focus on creating a calm and safe sleep environment. As your baby grows, their sleep patterns will gradually become more predictable.

What is a good routine for a newborn to sleep?

Keep it simple!

Remember, newborns are still adjusting to life outside the womb, so a strict routine might not be feasible. However, creating a calming bedtime environment can help.

Here's a basic idea:

  • Feed your baby: A full tummy can help promote longer sleep.

  • Diaper change: A clean diaper is essential for comfort.

  • Quiet time: Create a calm atmosphere with soft lights and gentle sounds.

  • Cuddles: Offer soothing cuddles and gentle rocking.

  • Safe sleep environment: Place your baby on their back in a crib with a firm, flat mattress.

The most important thing is to respond to your baby's cues. If they seem tired, try to put them down for a nap.

Consistency is key. While it might not be possible to follow the same routine every time, trying to create a similar pattern can help your baby recognize when it's time to sleep.

What are the safe sleeping practices for newborns?

Always place your baby on their back to sleep. This is the safest position to prevent Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

  • Use a firm, flat sleep surface. A crib, bassinet, or portable crib with a tight-fitting sheet is ideal.

  • Keep the sleep area clear. Avoid soft bedding, pillows, blankets, stuffed animals, bumpers, and toys in the crib. These can be suffocation hazards.

  • Dress your baby appropriately. Overheating can increase the risk of SIDS. Dress your baby in light sleepwear suitable for the room temperature.

  • Share a room, not a bed. Room-sharing without bed-sharing can reduce the risk of SIDS by up to 50%.

  • Avoid smoking around your baby. Secondhand smoke increases the risk of SIDS.

  • Consider a pacifier. Pacifier use has been linked to a reduced risk of SIDS.

Remember: These guidelines are essential for reducing the risk of SIDS and other sleep-related deaths. If you have any concerns or questions, consult your pediatrician.

How do you know if your newborn is sleeping enough?

Here are some signs your newborn is getting enough sleep:

  • Regular weight gain: If your baby is growing well, it's a good indicator they're getting enough nourishment, including during sleep.

  • Content and alert: A well-rested baby is usually happy and engaged when awake.

  • Consistent wet and dirty diapers: This shows they're getting enough fluids.

However, it's important to remember:

  • Newborns have irregular sleep patterns: Don't expect a strict schedule.

  • Feedings disrupt sleep: They wake up frequently to eat.

  • Growth spurts can affect sleep: During growth spurts, your baby might sleep more or less.

What are normal things newborns do while sleeping?

Normal Newborn Sleep Behaviors

Newborns are active sleepers! So if you see anything below, don’t panic!

  • Twitching and moving: Their little bodies are still developing, so they might twitch, kick, or change positions frequently.

  • Making noises: Grunting, sighing, or even little cries are normal. They're often adjusting to their new world.

  • Rapid eye movement (REM): Their eyes may dart around under their eyelids, which is part of their sleep cycle.

  • Sucking motions: Even when asleep, they might have a sucking reflex.

  • Startling: Sudden noises can wake them up, causing them to startle.

These are all very normal parts of newborn sleep. It might sound a bit chaotic, but it's perfectly okay!

How do you establish healthy sleep habits for newborns?

Set the stage for sleep

Create a peaceful oasis for your little one by dimming the lights, keeping things quiet, and keeping the room cool. This will help them feel relaxed and comfy come bedtime. Plus, it'll save you from dealing with a sweaty, feverish baby in the middle of the night!

Chill out before bed

Your newborn might be used to constant rocking, but too much movement can actually make it harder for them to drift off. Same goes for bright lights - they'll be squirming instead of snoring if the room is too bright. So give 'em a calm environment to settle down in before bedtime. Trust us, they'll thank you (and you'll thank us when you can finally catch some Z's too).

Create a routine for nighttime and daytime nap times

  • Get in the nap time groove! Set up a routine for both day and night snooze sessions.

  • Consistency is key! Make sure your bedtime routine is the same every night.

  • Find the sweet spot for bedtime that works for your little one's age - not too early, not too late. You don't want them waking up too early or sleeping in too much, as that can disrupt their nighttime sleep.

  • Give your child some wind-down time before bed to avoid them getting too hyped up about hitting the hay. It'll help them fall asleep easier later on.

Get your littles some sun!

Sunlight is crucial for your little one's well-being. It helps them establish a good sleep pattern and builds strong bones and teeth thanks to that sweet vitamin D action.

Did your pediatrician tell you how important it is to overcome or prevent jaundice in newborns? Yes girl, now you know! You are welcome :)

To make sure they're soaking up enough sunshine, try these tricks:

Take 'em outside in the early morning (before 10am) or in the late afternoon/early evening (after 4pm). If those times don't work for you, try to get them 20 minutes of direct sunlight each day. Just make sure there aren't any pesky clouds blocking the rays. Gotta get that sun goodness, baby!

Get help for your newborn's sleep problems!

When all your efforts have failed, it's time to turn to the pros. Whether your little one can't seem to doze off or stay asleep without your help, there are solutions out there. Waking up too early or late, crying for no reason, or struggling to sleep in their bed are all signs that it's time to call in a sleep consultant or go with big guns aka pediatrician who knows how to work their sleep magic. Don't suffer in silence - get the help you need for your baby's precious sleep!

Everyone knows that a good night's sleep and establishing those healthy sleep habits for newborns are super important for both your baby and yourself. So, it's time to figure out a routine that suits your little one's needs and your own.

Yup, routines can be a bit of a pain to set up, but believe me, they're totally worth it in the long run! And you know what, all this needs is practice and consistency, its that simple!

Now, as a brand-new mama or papa, it's easy to feel a bit overwhelmed when it comes to getting your precious bundle of joy to catch some z's. With a little careful planning and attention to detail, you can establish some healthy habits that will stick around for years to come. So get ready to unlock the secrets of a sound slumber, my friends!

Let's talk. Book a free 30 minute call with or simply text me on WhatsApp. If that's too much, follow me on Instagram and Tiktok where I am dropping strategies, tips and tricks on all things sleep.