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Relieving Colic in Newborns

Relieving colic in newborns is one of the most frequently asked questions. Picture this: you're holding your precious newborn baby in your arms, your heart is filled with love and joy. But suddenly, those beautiful moments are interrupted by the persistent cries of your little one, leaving you feeling helpless and worried. This is the world of colic, a common obstacle that many new parents face not being able to understand what it is and what to do. I am here to guide you through this difficult time. Through practical tips and natural remedies that might just bring back those peaceful, snuggly, heartwarming moments.

Effective and gentle ways to relieve colic in newborns, from home remedies to promoting better sleep. Help your baby find comfort and rest, and find support for exhausted parents.

Understanding Colic in Newborns

Colic is like an unexpected (dreaded) guest that arrives without an invitation, bringing bouts of excessive crying, fussiness, and discomfort to your little baby. This often starts around the second or third week of life. The exact cause remains a mystery, however, it's believed to be related to the immature digestive system, sensitivity to stimuli and the baby's still-developing nervous system. Here`s some good news though – thankfully, colic is a phase that usually fades away by the time your baby reaches three to four months.

Soothing the Storm with Natural Remedies

Whether you are one to believe but my grandmother`s and my mother`s home remedies have mostly always worked for relieving colic for myself and my friends. I avoid giving anything synthetic to my own daughter and prefer a more natural and holistic approach. This is not medical advice and you should consult your pediatrician first.


  • Gentle Tummy Massages: A soft, circular massage around your baby's tummy can work wonders. Use a natural, baby-friendly oil and let your touch work its magic.

  • Warm Baths: A warm bath can relax your baby's muscles and ease any tension. Add a few drops of chamomile or lavender essential oil to the water for an extra soothing touch. Try This.

  • Calming Sounds: White noise or gentle lullabies can help drown out discomforting sounds and create a peaceful environment. Consider investing in a white noise machine or using a smartphone app. My Favourite. For more info on how white noise can be a game changer, head over to my blog.

  • Swaddle Serenity: Wrapping your baby snugly in a swaddle can recreate the cozy feeling of the womb and provide comfort. Just ensure your baby's hips have room to move. I used these amazing organic and breathable swaddles. You can use the Divya15 to get 15% off.

  • Probiotics for Tiny Tummies: Consult your paediatrician about adding a baby-friendly probiotic to your little one's routine. These friendly bacteria can aid digestion and potentially reduce colic symptoms.

  • Carrom Seeds Water: Boil carrom seeds in water for 10 minutes. Let it cool down and give one sip with a small spoon to your baby to settle the tiny tummy. (It also works on adults if you have gas or acidity, take a tablespoon of carrom seeds with a bit of salt and gulp it with water. It works like a charm in about 30 minutes)

  • Asafoetida (Hing) Paste: This is not meant for everyone. Mix a very tiny pinch of Hing in some water until it becomes a paste consistency. Apply for 5 minutes on your baby`s tummy. This should give some relief. If your baby is crying excessively, remove the paste and wash with cool water.

Navigating Sleep with a Colicky Newborn

Ah, sleep – every new parent's most sought-after treasure. However, when colic is in the picture, peaceful sleep can seem like an elusive dream. Here's how you can encourage better sleep for your baby and yourself:

  • Routine: Establish a consistent bedtime routine. This signals to your baby that it's time to wind down. The routine could look something like - a warm bath, a gentle massage, reading a soft story, engaging in gentle play and some quiet, soothing time together. These soothing moments can help your baby unwind and shift their focus away from colic discomfort.

  • Calm Environment: Dim the lights, reduce noise, and ensure the sleep space is comfortably cool. This can help your baby settle more easily.

  • Naptime: During the day, focus on helping your baby get enough rest. Short, frequent naps can prevent over tiredness and greatly reduce colic episodes.

  • The Power of Touch: Holding your baby close, wearing them in a carrier or using a baby swing can provide the gentle motion and close contact that many colicky babies find quite soothing and comfortable. Moreover, innovative sleep aids can provide the comforting motion your baby craves, helping them drift into a more restful sleep and potentially reducing colic-related disturbances during the night.

  • Swaddle: Incorporating a baby-safe sleep aid, such as a breathable sleep sack or a cozy swaddle, can also be immensely beneficial. While these snug sleep essentials not only provide a sense of security but also prevent your baby from startling awake due to their own movements, allowing for longer and more uninterrupted sleep stretches. You can continue to swaddle until your baby starts showing signs of rolling.

You Are Not Alone, Find Support!

I think I say this in every blog - parenting can be a rollercoaster. Especially when dealing with colic. Remember, it's okay to ask for help and seek support on how to relieve colic in your newborn. Connect with other parents who have experienced colic, either through local parenting groups or online forums. Sharing your journey and hearing others' stories can be incredibly reassuring.

A Final Note of Encouragement

While dealing with colic can be challenging, it's important to remember that this phase is temporary. Your little precious baby is not only adjusting to life outside the womb but also discovering their new world. With patience, love, and a dash of creativity, you can provide the comfort and care your little one needs, helping them – and you – find moments of peace and joy amidst the storm.